Monthly Archives: February 2014

Stay On Your Toes For IFTA Audits In Manitoba – Part- I

Hello commercial truck drivers, greetings from With the aspect of providing you information and knowledge about IFTA, today, we have decided to throw some light on IFTA audits, which play an important role in your trucking journey.

Below, we have jotted down few points that will give you a clear cut understanding about IFTA Audits happening in Manitoba. However, we would be splitting it into two blog post as the list of questions are many and fitting them in one would make you go crazy. Besides, we just gave you a reason to be around our blog, awaiting for the next blog post.

Here comes the list of questions for your better understanding. Continue reading

Reveal the Significance of Fuel Records For IFTA Taxpayers

Greetings from, we’re delighted to have you as a part of our blog family. Our blog posts are dedicated to commercial truck drivers and today we would talk about fuel record management and its own set of requirements.

What is Fuel Records?

Fuel Records are records of the fuel purchased, received and used by the vehicle under the license of IFTA. With a variation of fuels available in the market, it is important to maintain a separate total for each fuel type.

Also, records for retail and bulk purchases should also be maintained separately. Continue reading