2nd Quarter IFTA Tax is Due this July 31

The IFTA – International Fuel Tax Agreement Returns which is a quarterly returns is now due for the 2nd quarter of 2017 (April to June) by this July 31. This quarterly IFTA fuel taxes are filed with your base Jurisdiction based on the type of fuel the tax rates differ.

Generally, a business that operates commercial motor vehicles across the State of America and Provinces of Canada report and must pay tax based upon the fuel usage for certain vehicles. If vehicles are subject to this tax, they must be registered with the Department of Transpiration, have yearly compliance decals and license cards, and file quarterly tax returns.

2nd Quarter IFTA Fuel Use Tax – Due July 31.

The quarterly IFTA fuel use taxes for all the eligible commercial motor vehicles must file by the end of each quarter, July 31. is the last date for 2nd quarter filing. IFTA Reporting normally has the state-by-state mileage of each vehicle, the total amount of fuel purchased, and the total fuel for each jurisdiction, with the IFTA Reporting feature, companies can streamline the process to prepare IFTA documents.

Online IFTA Tax Preparation – TaxExcise.com 

At TaxExcise.com you can prepare US states IFTA tax returns in 3 simple steps, register, add data and print in simple terms. Simple process, step by step screens to add vehicles, fuel and mileage driven in states. The  online tax preparation software will automatically do the math based on the input to key in.

2nd Quarter IFTA Tax Filing is due now

In order to prepare your IFTA Fuel Tax return, you must have a registered USDOT number or a IFTA Decal, with the with the Excise Tax Division or State Revenue Division which has not expired.