Author Archives: tax expert

Fix These Common IFTA Fuel Tax Mistakes for Safer Filing

A big welcome to our blog, IFTA filers. As carriers, you would be navigating through the roads all the time, but when it comes to navigating your IFTA fuel tax liabilities, we always tend to take the wrong turn.

Over the years, we have noticed that the tedious paper work and regulations are hard on you, and keeping them up is another task in hand. However, today we would speak about the most common errors committed by our filers when it comes to IFTA fuel tax reporting: Continue reading

Stay on Your Toes for IFTA Audits in Manitoba – Part- II

Hello IFTA filers, hope you’re pink of health. Sometime back, we had shared a blog post on “Stay on Your Toes for IFTA Audits in Manitoba – Part- I”, and today we would post the second half of the blog. We hope we are informative enough to keep your eyes glued to the screen.

The second list of questions is right below keep reading to know more. Continue reading

Different Kind Of Fuels Used By Motor Carriers In The States

Fuels are the lifeblood of transportation and vehicles moving across the world. Starting from motorbikes to trucks to airplanes nothing could have made it to their destination without fuels. Moreover, with the advancement in technology, we have been able to use both the natural and man-made resources for the smooth running of the vehicles. Reading this blog can help you gain further insight on the different types of fuel and their properties. Continue reading