Tag Archives: IFTA Fuel Tax

3rd Quarter Filing for IFTA Fuel Tax

When you operate a commercial truck or bus in more than one province or state, you are an inter jurisdictional carrier and you should know about the International Fuel Tax Agreement. This IFTA is an agreement between the U.S. states and the Canadian provinces requiring a carrier to register and report the fuel use tax of any qualified motor vehicle that operates in more than one jurisdiction. Continue reading

Required Details of Fuel records to Report IFTA

Complete fuel records of all motor fuel purchased, received, and used in the conduct of its business must be maintained. Separate totals must be compiled for each motor fuel type and retail fuel purchases and bulk fuel purchases are to be accounted for separately. Continue reading

IFTA Q3 Returns Are Due By October 31st 2015

Just like last quarter, you have to report your IFTA returns this quarter too. It is common for all IFTA Licensees to submit fuel tax reports every quarter of the year. The third reporting quarter for IFTA returns (July to September) is due on October 31st 2015. You have time till October 31st 2015 to prepare your IFTA returns, and get it post marked to avoid penalties & interests as will be considered as “Filed on time”.

Details Required for Online IFTA Preparation: Continue reading

IFTA Fuel Tax – Vital to shape our Nation

The American trucking industries’ strength is the right sign of an overall improving U.S. economy. So it would be great to simply organize all those vehicles and inform via IFTA fuel tax reports about fuel usage. Tax ifta has helped out scores of companies and individuals in easy preparation of IFTA. When you prepare your fuel tax with us, you are really putting down the paper work and submission burden by our easy-to-use fuel tax preparing method. And hence we are able to list to you how important, IFTA is! Continue reading