How about filing your 2290 Federal Vehicle Use Tax returns ahead of the schedule! yes, you can now start preparing your 2290 Highway Vehicle Use Tax returns and prefile it through and Pre-File is preparing your 2290 returns much early to the tax season, saving your return in our server, we’ll push it with the IRS when they’re back LIVE by July 1st week.
Pre-file 2290 Federal Vehicle Use Tax returns now ahead of the schedule at and The top rated website, economic and simple 2290 efiling options. Save 10% of the fee by apply the discount code “PREFILE2018“. Pre-Filing could allow you to save as much us $40 on your e-file preparation fee, based on your filing options. Apply code and win your discounts. We’re happy to serve the Trucking Community with a promising website that has made 2290 e-file a cake walk. We’re also working to take care of your questions, answer you and walk you through your filing process.