Fix These Common IFTA Fuel Tax Mistakes for Safer Filing

A big welcome to our blog, IFTA filers. As carriers, you would be navigating through the roads all the time, but when it comes to navigating your IFTA fuel tax liabilities, we always tend to take the wrong turn.

Over the years, we have noticed that the tedious paper work and regulations are hard on you, and keeping them up is another task in hand. However, today we would speak about the most common errors committed by our filers when it comes to IFTA fuel tax reporting: Continue reading

Stay on Your Toes for IFTA Audits in Manitoba – Part- II

Hello IFTA filers, hope you’re pink of health. Sometime back, we had shared a blog post on “Stay on Your Toes for IFTA Audits in Manitoba – Part- I”, and today we would post the second half of the blog. We hope we are informative enough to keep your eyes glued to the screen.

The second list of questions is right below keep reading to know more. Continue reading

Different Kind Of Fuels Used By Motor Carriers In The States

Fuels are the lifeblood of transportation and vehicles moving across the world. Starting from motorbikes to trucks to airplanes nothing could have made it to their destination without fuels. Moreover, with the advancement in technology, we have been able to use both the natural and man-made resources for the smooth running of the vehicles. Reading this blog can help you gain further insight on the different types of fuel and their properties. Continue reading

Stay On Your Toes For IFTA Audits In Manitoba – Part- I

Hello commercial truck drivers, greetings from With the aspect of providing you information and knowledge about IFTA, today, we have decided to throw some light on IFTA audits, which play an important role in your trucking journey.

Below, we have jotted down few points that will give you a clear cut understanding about IFTA Audits happening in Manitoba. However, we would be splitting it into two blog post as the list of questions are many and fitting them in one would make you go crazy. Besides, we just gave you a reason to be around our blog, awaiting for the next blog post.

Here comes the list of questions for your better understanding. Continue reading

Reveal the Significance of Fuel Records For IFTA Taxpayers

Greetings from, we’re delighted to have you as a part of our blog family. Our blog posts are dedicated to commercial truck drivers and today we would talk about fuel record management and its own set of requirements.

What is Fuel Records?

Fuel Records are records of the fuel purchased, received and used by the vehicle under the license of IFTA. With a variation of fuels available in the market, it is important to maintain a separate total for each fuel type.

Also, records for retail and bulk purchases should also be maintained separately. Continue reading

Four Myths About Diesel Engines Busted

After a long week, we welcome you back truckers to our blog for a new, unique and informative blog for the week to get you going. This time we’re going to discuss the about the myths and believes people have for Diesel Engines.

Diesel Engines are long confined to truck as they are garnering more interest for their fuel efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, comparatively to gasoline engines.

Today we shall take the crack at some of the persistent myths in and around the technology. Continue reading

Reminder: IFTA Fourth Quarter Filing Is Due By January 31st 2014

No matter how much we enjoy snow outside our rigs, you as a trucker have enough responsibility to roll for the week. And that makes you drive down other jurisdictions, serving the nation.

Like we have four seasons a year, IFTA tax filers have four quarter in a year to file their return for the jurisdictions they have covered in that quarter. And here, we’re reminding you about the fourth IFTA quarter, which is round the corner with 31st January of 2014 as the due date. Continue reading

Fuel Injectors, The Fuel Efficient Saviors

Hello truckers, this is our first blog for the year 2014 for IFTA and we wish we get the same response like we do every year. It’s good to write for an audience like you, taking interest in checking our blog and also, initiative to follow our blog.

Well, today, we’re writing on fuel injectors and their function, adding up the features to rule the advantages.
Continue reading

Tits and Bits of Gasoline Tax Laws

Welcome back truckers and Commercial Motor Carrier owners to our blog. We’re highly esteemed to sustain your interest level since the day we have entered the world of taxes. Last week, we discussed about the differences between gas tax and mileage tax, today we will share a post regarding gasoline tax law and its functionality.

We all know that there are many commodities, which a consumer uses and they pay a portion of tax to generate revenue for federal and state governments and gas is one among the list. Gasoline tax is considered as used or sales tax, paved their way three whole decades after automobiles first arrived in the market and been around for most of the modern memory. Continue reading

Interesting Differences between Gas Tax and Mileage Tax

Very warm welcome, truckers. We appreciate your gratitude towards our blog and thank you for dropping in every time we add a new blog post. Today, we will be discussing about gas tax, mileage tax and the differences between them. You might be well aware about the topic, but our tax experts decided to talk about it in detail, for your better understanding and simply to brush your knowledge. Continue reading